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1. Fill the registration form listed below.
2. Click on the "Submit" button.
3. An email will appear in your default mailing software. E.g. Outlook or Outlook Express in Windows computers and Mac Mail in Macintosh computers.
4. Send the email.
5. After receiving your email, we will send you a confirming email including pricing details.
6. Please make sure you receive the confirmation email. Contact us otherwise to assure your registration has been received and processed.

* Web browsers like Safari, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are recommended for this registration form. Some settings in Internet Explorer may prevent the registration email from being sent, thus causing the registration to fail.


1. 請填寫下方的報名表格。
2. 按"Submit"按鈕。
3. 一封郵件將出現在您預設郵件軟體(例如Windows的Outlook、Outlook Express或是Macintosh的Mac Mail)的寄件夾裡面。
4. 請傳送郵件。
5. 接到您的郵件後我們會發出確認信函回覆您,並列出應繳金額。
6. 請務必確定您收到了我們回覆給您的確認信,以確保您完成報名手續。

*建議您使用像Safari、Google Chrome或是Mozilla Firefox的瀏覽器來填寫本報名表。Internet Explorer的一些設定可能導致報名郵件無法寄送。


Registration Form 報名表格




Check the lessons that you want to register 請勾選想報名的課程

Wed. 16 週三 16日
19:30 - 20:30

301 初級 Beginners
Damian & Nancy
"我的第一支探戈" ─ 基本舞步,帶領與跟隨的遊戲,基礎節拍。
"My first tango" - basic steps, games about leading and following, basic rhythm.

Thu. 17 週四 17日
19:00 - 20:30
401 中級 Intermediate
Damian & Nancy
"方向變換" ─ 如何尋求方向變換,以及其間的組合。
"Changes of direction" - how to find them, and combinations between them.
[ More women needed! ]
402 高級 Advanced
Javier & Andrea
"Tango Salon 1"
Fri. 18 週五 18日
12:20 - 13:50
501 中級 Intermediate
Javier & Andrea
"Tango Salon 2"
[ Full for women and men ]
503 職業級 Master
Esteban & Claudia
"尋求突破(一)" ─ 供舞技提昇練習之用的複雜組合,如何進步、如何培養舞蹈思考。
"Improving the dance 1" - complex sequences to work on the dance, to improve and be able to think about the dance.
14:00 - 15:30
502 中級 Intermediate
Javier & Andrea
"Tango Fantasia 1"
[ Full for women and men ]
504 職業級 Master
Esteban & Claudia
"探戈作為藝術的媒介(一)" ─ 加強舞作能力與表達能力。
"Tango as an artistic language 1" - working with compositional and expressive exercises.
15:50 - 17:20
505 中級 Intermediate
Leandro & Romina
Sequences with sacadas for the man and the woman.
507 高級 Advanced
Damian & Nancy
"採集"(抓腳或腿)─ 置換、採集與拖曳組合。
"Tomadas" - combining sacadas, tomadas and barridas.
[ Full for women ]
17:30 - 19:00
506 中級 Intermediate
Leandro & Romina
"Enrosques" technique.
508 高級 Advanced
Damian & Nancy
"釋放" ─ 釋放、打破擁抱以尋求自由度與新的動作與型態。
"Soltadas" - breaking the embrace to find freedom for new movements and forms.
Sat. 19 週六 19日
12:00 - 13:30
601 初中級 Improvers
Damian & Nancy
"旋轉" ─ 開放舞姿時之旋轉與應用於靠近舞姿時之調整。
"Turns" - technique of turns in open embrace and adaptation to the close embrace.
[ Full for women ]
[ More men needed! ]
603 高級 Advanced
Leandro & Romina
"Vals" sequences.
[ Full for men ]
13:45 - 15:15
602 初中級 Improvers
Damian & Nancy
"舞會文化" ─ 舞會符號;邀請與被邀請;如何在舞蹈中與他對保持和諧。
"How to behave in the salon" - the "codes" of the salon; playing inviting and being invited; how to be considerate with other couples while dancing.
[ More men needed! ]
604 高級 Advanced
Leandro & Romina
"簡單外掛" - 外掛與勾腳以及女生之不同可能性。
"Simple colgadas" - colgadas with ganchos and different possibilities for the woman.
[ Full for women and men ]
15:45 - 17:15
605 中級 Intermediate
Javier & Andrea
"Milonga lisa"
[ Full for women and men ]
607 職業級 Master
Esteban & Claudia
"尋求突破(二)" ─ 供舞技提昇練習之用的複雜組合,如何進步、如何培養舞蹈思考。
"Improving the dance 2" - complex sequences to work on the dance, to improve and be able to think about the dance.
[ Full for women ]
17:30 - 19:00
606 中級 Intermediate
Javier & Andrea
"Milonga with traspie"
[ Full for women and men ]
608 職業級 Master
Esteban & Claudia
"探戈作為藝術的媒介(二)" ─ 加強舞作能力與表達能力。
"Tango as an artistic language 2" - working with compositional and expressive exercises.
[ More men needed! ]
Sun. 20 週日 20日
12:00 - 13:30

701 初中級 Improvers
Leandro & Romina
"舞姿與技巧" - 舞會探戈之重要基礎
"Posture and technique" - the fundamentals of tango salon.
[ Full for women ]
[ More men needed! ]

703 高級 Advanced
Javier & Andrea
"Tango Salon 3"
[ Full for women and men ]
13:45 - 15:15
702 初中級 Improvers
Leandro & Romina
"音樂性" - 認識以及詮釋不同風格之探戈樂團
"Musicality" - recognizing and dancing the different styles of orchestras.
[ More men needed! ]
704 高級 Advanced
Javier & Andrea
"Tango Fantasia 2"
[ Full for women and men ]
15:45 - 17:15
705 中級 Intermediate
Esteban & Claudia
"飛腿與反彈(一)" ─ 技巧。
"Boleos and rebounds 1" - technique
[ Full for women and men ]
707 職業級 Master
Damian & Nancy
"舞台上之移位用組合" ─ 如何重複一個簡短組合以到達舞台或舞池之特定位置。
"Sequences for displacement on the stage" - how to repeat a short pattern in order to arrive at a certain point on the dance floor.
17:30 - 19:00
706 中級 Intermediate
Esteban & Claudia
"Treasures of the Tango Salon"
708 職業級 Master
Damian & Nancy
"組合製作" ─ 如何組合多種探戈元素以做出精采的舞步。
"Composing sequences" - how to combine diverse elements of the tango dance to create interesting movements.
Mon. 21 週一 21日
15:15 - 16:45
801 中級 Intermediate
Damian & Nancy
"米隆加舞曲" ─ 解釋米隆加節奏之起源;基礎舞步,姿態,搖擺與交換步。
"Milonga" - explanation about the origin of the milonga rhythm; basic steps, posture, cadence and traspie.
[ More men needed! ]
802 高級 Advanced
Javier & Andrea
"Tango Fantasia 3"
17:15 - 18:45
803 高級 Advanced
Esteban & Claudia
"飛腿與反彈(一)" ─ 男生不同的帶領與陪伴方式。
"Boleos and rebounds 2" - different lead and company for the men
805 職業級 Master
Leandro & Romina
"編舞(一)" - 編舞組合中之音樂運用
"Choreography I" - musicality in the choreographic sequences.
19:00 - 20:30
804 高級 Advanced
Esteban & Claudia
"Complexities of the Tango Salon"
806 職業級 Master
Leandro & Romina
"編舞(二)" - 編舞組合中之音樂運用
"Choreography II" - musicality in the choreographic sequences.


Check the milongas that you want to join 請勾選想參加的舞會

Wed. 16 週三 16日 Sat. 19 週六 19日
Thu. 17 週四 17日 Sun. 20 週日 20日
Fri. 18 週五 18日 Mon. 21 週一 21日


主辦 台北探戈工作坊 / 總監 劉心岳與周思齊
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